The Importance of CBD Testing

February 25, 2020
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X5 Naturals testing

Why is CBD testing so important? CBD companies are springing up all over the country and are gaining a voice in the holistic, lifestyle, and healthcare markets. What most people don’t know is that although the FDA approved their first drug containing CBD in 2018, the rest of the CBD industry continues to work in an unregulated space. This is why independent lab testing is so important, and can promote the integrity of a company and influence and educate the consumer.

When it comes to CBD products, it is vital to understand the composition of the product itself. CBD products contain some form of CBD extract from the hemp plant or a CBD isolate, knowing which one will determine the cannabinoid content of the product and the quality of its source. Laboratories can tell us the potency, spectrum, and purity of the hemp content and therefore, the cannabinoid presence. It is these molecules that are said to bring therapeutic relief to so many.

What’s the difference between CBD extract and CBD isolate?

CBD is an oily and thick substance which contains the natural cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. This substance also contains carbohydrates, terpenes, amino acids, and fatty acids. CBD isolate is produced by further processing the CBD extract to remove all of these other compounds, leaving just a single CBD molecule, which is about 95% or more CBD.

CBD products are tested primarily for their cannabinoid profile. By establishing the spectrum of the product leads to discovering its potency, which means observing the concentration, usually measured in weight.

Transparency and Consistency

Recent research has shown that in California, only a certain percentage of companies lab test their CBD products. The FDA has performed its testing as well, and despite CBD not being approved in general, they have discovered that the cannabinoid content in several products is lower than advertised.

Jama Network (The Journal of the American Medical Association) is a peer-reviewed medical journal which carried out an independent review to examine the label accuracy of CBD products bought online. They tested the cannabinoid content in eighty-four products and discovered that 26% contained less CBD than labeled. At this percentage, with what is known about the therapeutic dosage, it was stated that such a low content could negate any clinical response.

The online market for CBD products is continuously changing and evolving. It is, therefore, imperative that the consumer has information available on what makes a CBD product active, potent, and pure.

Here at X5 Naturals we put a high value on integrity and transparency, and this has lead to our third-party lab reports being a vast resource when talking about the quality and potency of our products. Our labeling holds all the information to make an informed choice when it comes to CBD use.

Medical Disclaimer: All content found on the website, including text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. The publisher of this content does not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program. Links to educational content not created by X5 Naturals are taken at your own risk. X5 Naturals is not responsible for the claims of external websites and education companies.

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