Looking for an alternative to coffee that will give you relaxed alertness throughout your day? Well, look no further. I combined matcha tea (powder) with turmeric to bring you a drink that is a slow releasing energy source, is naturally alkaline, and is full of inflammatory fighting properties.
Matcha tea is also full of L-Theanine (one of our favorites and present in our kid’s product Sleepy Sloth, an amino acid that when combined with the caffeine present in green teas, like Matcha, can induce grounded, relaxed alertness full of antioxidants. The inflammatory fighting qualities of turmeric, as well as being a support for the liver, and aiding digestion means that this latte is a powerful combination which will support your immune system and brighten your outlook on the day.
- 1 ½ cups organic almond milk
- 1 tsp coconut oil
- 1 ¼ tsp matcha powder
- ¼ tsp turmeric
- Pinch of black pepper
- ¼ cup hot water
- Dash of honey (if you need sweetness)
Step 1: Put the matcha powder, black pepper, and turmeric in the bottom of a cup.
Step 2: Add the hot water and mix until the ingredients are combined. Use a small metal whisk, or matcha bamboo whisk, if you have one.
Step 3: In a pan, heat the almond milk. Once heated, add the coconut oil and stir together.
Step 4: Add the milk to the mug and stir in a dash of natural sweetener at this point (if you need it). You will see that beautiful green color making its way through the milk. Drink immediately and feel REVIVED!
Yours in health,
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